Welcome to the EUCG Nuclear Committee

The EUCG Nuclear Committee is a cooperating group of nuclear plant representatives. Their primary goal is to optimize costs and reliability performance of participating plants. Membership currently includes representatives of nuclear plants operating in the United States, Canada, China, France, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, and Spain.

To achieve these objectives, the Nuclear Committee operates a database for comparing nuclear plant costs, staffing, and performance data. This database was originally developed in 1986 and is recognized as the best, most comprehensive source of nuclear plant data in the world. This database is updated annually and distributed to participating members. The database includes:

  • Plant and Unit Performance and Cost Data
  • Nuclear Operating Cost Data — Base and Outage
  • Capital Cost Data and Capitalization Policy Information
  • Staffing Data

All data is requested via a web-based program. Data is delivered to participants on a give-to-get basis via a web-based query and reporting tool.

Committee Vision:

Maintain recognition as the nuclear industry source of business operations financial data and to be the recognized source of nuclear staffing data, used by member companies to improve plant and industry performance.

Committee Mission:

Serve the members and grow the organization by providing timely, relevant, comprehensive cost and staffing data and the facility to network and resolve industry business operations financial issues to enable sustainable performance improvements in nuclear power.

Committee Products:

Click here for the committee's Sample Report Package.
Click here for the NIID Overview.

Committee Services:

Click here for the Committee Overview.

Committee Leadership:

Nuclear Chair
Jeff Davis

Nuclear Vice Chair
Ives Zaldumbide

Nuclear Committee Coordinator
Steve McFadden
Clearwater Consulting

Nuclear Committee Database Manager
Christine Messer
Programming Plus+

Nuclear Committee Leadership Team

Angela Cox
Bruce Power

Matt Crozat

Jeffrey C Davis
DTE Energy

Julianne McCallum

Steve McFadden
Clearwater Consulting

Christine Messer
Programming Plus +

David Ward
Duke Energy

Barry K Yeargin
Dominion Energy

Phil Young
Constellation Energy

Ives Zaldumbide
Pacific Gas & Electric

Mike Usefara
Talen Energy

Committee Guidance Documents:

Committee Guidance Documents are available to members via the EUCG Nuclear Committee Members-Only website.

Committee Membership Categories and Fee Structure:

Nuclear Committee Fee Structure Data Members* Forum Members Alliance Members
    Nuclear Committee Fee $ 9,450 + $ 500 per unit $ 2,900 per owner $ 9,450
Total Membership Fee $ 9,450 + $ 500 per unit $ 2,900 $ 9,450

* Includes registration for one person attendance at each of the biannual workshops.

Data Members: Those members who provide data per the annual schedule.
Forum/Member Owner: Owners or co-owners who do not operate commercial plants
Alliance Member: Related industry organizations or businesses

Committee Annual Planning Calendar:

EUCG Nuclear Committee Key Events and Deliverables

  • Early Data Exchange
    • Data is requested in January with results released in February
  • CNO (Chief Nuclear Officer) Report
    • CNO Report available to all participating company's Chief Nuclear Operating Officers in February
  • Comprehensive Survey Detail
    • Data is requested in January with data audited in March
  • Nuclear Integrated Information Database (NIID)
    • NIID released to all participants in May with updated release in August
    • Released to all participants with comprehensive data in report/graph format in June

Promotional Materials:

Please log into the Nuclear Committee website to view this information.